Brown Girl Gang


Uplifting and empowering the South Asian community, fostering a sense of celebration around their unique identities through a modern yet culturally rooted brand.



Project Details

The "Brown Girl Gang" rebrand sought to revitalise its visual identity to embody the spirit of celebrating diverse identities. The brand's transformation centers on the strategic use of typography and colour. A bold and expressive serif font adds a timeless touch, while a complementary san serif typeface introduces a modern edge. This juxtaposition captures the essence of merging tradition with contemporary ideals.

The color palette mirrors this duality, harmonising soft, feminine tones with vibrant, energetic shades that exude warmth and elegance.

The result is a visually arresting identity that resonates deeply with the brand's core values of empowerment and community celebration, inspiring individuals to embrace their unique identities within a welcoming and supportive environment.

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